Louis Blecher Lifetime Achievement Award

Louis BlecherLouis Blecher founded IPEC-Americas in 1991. Mr. Blecher's strong commitment and efforts to build a global excipient trade association, and to set high standards of global self-regulation and harmonization of excipients over more than twenty years have been an enormous benefit to the entire international pharmaceutical industry. To honor Louis Blecher's outstanding lifetime efforts the Foundation made him the first recipient of this award, and renamed this award in his honor. Mr. Blecher passed away in 2008.

IPEC Foundation established the Louis Blecher Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award in 2008 (originally known as the IPEC Foundation Chairman’s Award) to reward those individuals who, during their lifetime, have made substantial intellectual contributions to the field of excipients, i.e., inactive pharmaceutical ingredients. Recipients of this award will receive recognition from the IPEC Foundation as a reward for their long dedication to understanding excipients.

Applications for this award shall be submitted directly to the Board of the Foundation. The Board shall consider any nominations submitted to it and may consider any other nomination made by a member of the Board. An appropriate nominee is any individual who has conducted research or has been involved in improving the safety, effectiveness or regulation of excipients for a substantial period of time.

The winner of the award will be decided by majority vote of members of the Board after they have discussed the nominees. This award will be granted periodically, but not more than once per calendar year, to those individuals the Board decides have made substantial contributions to the understanding in the field of excipients through a lifetime of work.

  1. The nomination form and supporting documents may be submitted online.
  2. If you prefer, you may send as a single PDF file to ipecamer@ipecamericas.org by June 15th of the year of application. A single Microsoft Word file will be accepted if PDF capability is not available. The award name (Louis Blecher Lifetime Achievement Award) must be shown in the subject line of the email. Mailed nominations will be accepted if sent to: IPEC Foundation, 3138 N. 10th Street, Suite #500, Arlington, VA 22201, USA

Apply online (preferred)

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